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Online Program

If you need the outline provided but can do the work yourself then this program is for you! Antonio will create both a customized nutrition plan and a tailored workout plan for you to follow through your 8-week program which is based solely from your information and your goals! At the end of each week, you’ll check in with Antonio to review progress and results!

virtual 1 on 1 sessions

virtual 1 on 1 sessions

The solution to social distancing training! Antonio will initially walk you through an assessment upon starting. From the results of your virtual assessment, your goals and your lifestyle, Antonio will create a program which includes virtual training sessions through Facetime or Instagram video! In these sessions, Antonio will demonstrate exercises, correct your form, and motivate you to keep pushing for the maximum result!

The solution to social distancing training! Antonio will initially walk you through an assessment upon starting. From the results of your virtual assessment, your goals and your lifestyle, Antonio will create a program which includes virtual training sessions through Facetime or Instagram video! In these sessions, Antonio will demonstrate exercises, correct your form, and motivate you to keep pushing for the maximum result!

In Person 1 on 1 Sessions

With social distancing in mind! Prior to starting, Antonio will take you through a mobility, stability, and strength assessment which will give him the information needed to understand your body’s ability. With a full understanding of your starting point and of your end goal, Antonio will provide in person sessions ranging from 50 minutes to an hour long in his private gym which only his clients have access to! Nutritional guidance will also be provided as well as a plan on what to do when you’re not in the gym with him to reach your goals!

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